Exception: duplicated device id 5

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This topic contains 4 respuestas, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ignacio Gros Hace 4 años, 10 meses.

  • Author
  • #33854


    Hello,After installing and running eXe successfully today, I get this error message when I try to start it again a second time.I have tried the obvious steps; restarting computer, re-installing eXe. Any clues what is happening?eXe version installed from exelearning.net as of today, version 2.5Windows 10 (1903 build 18362.778)Firefox 75.0 (also tried in different browsers, same error)Thanks in advance for any help with this! Best Regards,Magnus

  • #33862

    Ignacio Gros

    Hi Magnus,

    Rename (or remove, if you had no custom Styles or iDevices) this folder an reopen eXe:

    Linux: ~/.exe
    Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\exe
    Windows 7 y superiores: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\exe
    MAC: /Users/YourUserName/.exe

    Does it work?

  • #33864


    Thank you, I deleted the folder iDevices, and it worked. I had created an iDevice for testing purposes only. Thanks a lot!

  • #33865


    Btw, I have no idea why this forum adds html-tags to my post. My post looks like this (not able to press “text”):

    • #33866

      Ignacio Gros

      I’m glad to read that it works now!
      Yes… The site administrators have to fix that problem with the HTML code. I hope they’ll do it soon.

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