How to auto play the course

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This topic contains 1 respuesta, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ignacio Gros Hace 4 años, 10 meses.

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  • #33758


    Hi All,I have managed to create my first elearning content using eXeLearning application and I must say ‘eXeLearning’ has all the necessary features to create elearning content. I am having difficulty in automatically playing my course. I mean to say, Learner has to manually scroll forward/backward in my course to check from one section to another section. Is there any setting I have to enable so that once learner launch the course he/she doesn’t have to manually keep on clicking to go forward through units/sections.Regards,Jay Suryavanshi   

  • #33761

    Ignacio Gros

    See the attachment. The code you need for that is in Advanced mode – Properties tab – Footer.
    Click on Preview to see it working. Just change the number of seconds (3 in the example).
    Some gamification iDevices have time options (try the Experimental iDevices in “Available iDevices).
    But if you want to go forward after finishing an activity, for example, you’ll have to program it. There’s no way to do that in eXe without programming for the moment. Thanks for the idea!

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