image behind text ?

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This topic contains 10 respuestas, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mart Mojet Hace 4 años, 10 meses.

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  • #33401

    Mart Mojet

    Is it possible to have images behind de text? How would I achieve that?Best wishes, Mart

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  • #33403

    Ignacio Gros


    – Use a Note or a File attachments iDevice to include the image in the elp.
    – Add a Text iDevice and include this code there: <div style="background: url('yourImage.png');">Content.</div>
    – You’ll see the image when exporting, because the path, when editing and exporting, is different.

    Please be careful with the accessibility of your content, because a background image might make the text really difficult to read.

    I attach an example. I hope it helps.

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  • #33406

    Mart Mojet

    Thanks, that is a quick reply !Ehm, I understand de text iDevice with my text input. Also de Note iDevice I am to add, with the image. But where do I put the code? Is that in a third iDevice? Or somewhere in one of the other two?Best wishes,Mart 

    • #33429

      Ignacio Gros

      You have to paste that code in the text iDevice, where the text with a background image will be. See the attached example. I hope it works.

  • #33430

    Ignacio Gros

    Please send the exported website (a zip file) so I can test it with your Style. Where (in which page) can I see the error? I’ll try to answer as soon as possible.

  • #33434

    Mart Mojet

    I’m sorry, I feel rather thick, but I honestly can’t find where you put that line of code.Attached your elp, with added a page in which I tried.

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  • #33438

    Mart Mojet

    Ha found it ! One has to go into html mode before including the code. 

  • #33463

    Ignacio Gros

    Yes! Sorry. I forgot to say that… I’m glad to know that it works!

  • #33468

    Mart Mojet

    Sorry, still not working. I attach my efforts. The background image is visible while I’m editing the module, which I wouldn’t mind, but it is NOT visible when I preview. And secondly, its seems to tile. Is there a way of preventing this?Best wishes,Mart

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  • #33486

    Mart Mojet

    Ah, a simple mistake, not very clever of me. Thanks once again ! 

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