El log de cambios es el siguiente:
[Antonio Moreno]
* Fix bug #1390: “Espacios en blanco en el nombre del fichero que se carga”
(java applet idevice)
* Java applets correctly previewed. With revision/help/completion of
Pedro Peña.
[Pedro Peña]
* Fix iframe bug in Chrome/Chromium in about, preferences, xliff… pages
* Fix bug #1836: “Single page export: No alert after finishing”
* Changed policy when printing: no autoclose temporary printing document,
ask user to close
* Fix bug #1799, disabling browser history
* Fix bug #1851: “Problem with mp3 audio when exporting”
* Fix bug #1871: “Failure to save as (save undefined.elp)”
* Fix bug #1624: “XLIFF export fails with cloze activity idevice”
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Saludos cordiales
This topic was modified Hace 11 años, 3 meses by ismagago.