PLEASE HELP – simple edits to interactive iDevice responses

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This topic contains 11 respuestas, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ignacio Gros Hace 4 años, 9 meses.

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  • #33350


    Hi! I’ve been struggling and cannot find user-friendly documentation on editing individual iDevices. I hope I can get some assistance with the following:

    • DROPDOWN: How do I eliminate the “Your score is X/Y”? This isn’t useful for our materials. I suppose i could replace the translation with blank spaces via Poedit, but that seems a silly workaround. 
    • How do I edit the TEXT STYLE of responses ie “Correct” / “Incorrect”? For example, I would like Correct to appear in green + bold, and Incorrect in red+bold.

    Many thanks in advance for the assistance.

  • #33355

    Ignacio Gros

    How do I eliminate the “Your score is X/Y”?

    Advanced mode – Properties tab – Advanced – HEAD. Paste this code there:

    <style>.ListaIdevice .score{display:none!important}</style>

    I hope it helps.

    How to edit the styles

    Which iDevice are you using?

    Some iDevices let you define a different feedback for each case (right / wrong), but not all of them. Unfortunately, in some cases there’s no specific CSS class for each message, so there’s no way to change the presentation without overwriting some JavaScript functions. We hope that this will change soon.

  • #33371


    Ignacio, Many thanks!Re code: <style>.ListaIdevice .score{display:none!important}</style>

    1. Would it be feasible to add this via style designer under content.css, so that it shows in all .elps with same style?
    2. Should this work similarly for the Cloze Activity? <style>.ClozeIdevice .score{display:none!important}</style>

    Other iDevices: We are using True-False, Multi-Choice and Scrambled list. 

    • #33374

      Ignacio Gros


      1. Would it be feasible to add this via style designer under content.css, so that it shows in all .elps with same style?

      Yes! Just paste that code in the advanced tab, and it’ll be at the end of content.css.

      Should this work similarly for the Cloze Activity? […]

      No, because it doesn’t have the “score” CSS class. Please use this until it has it:

      .ClozeIdevice div[id^=”clozeScore”]{display:none!important}

      3. I’m afraid that True-False and Multi-Choice don’t have the code you’ll need to control that in an easy way. We’ll try to fix that. The Scrambled list already has two different messages (right / wrong answer) with different presentation.

  • #33375


    ok, thank you! i’m having trouble with the code for Cloze activities. I’ve tried:

    • to add to Properties/Advanced Options/CustomHEAD: <style>.ClozeIdevice div[id^=”clozeScore”]{display:none!important}</style>
    • to add to Style Manager/Advanced/content.css: .ClozeIdevice div[id^=”clozeScore”]{display:none!important}

    However, neither seems to make a difference … the “your score is” continues to appear. 

  • #33380

    Ignacio Gros

    It’s probably because or the quotes. The forums changes them, so it won’t work if you just copy and paste. Use shift+2 instead of those quotation marks. See the attachment.

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  • #33720


    Ola! I hope I am not abusing this forum with minutia. One last question on the CLOZE activities. Is there any easy way to adjust the appearance of the text boxes and alignment of the CLOZE text?In the attached .png, you see that the numbers should all be right-justified, and that it would look better if all the boxes were equally sized. Any assistance is appreciate!Many thanks

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    • #33730

      Ignacio Gros


      The alignment of the text can be set in the editor. Just click on the cell and use the editor buttons.

      You could also include this CSS code at the end of your Style’s content.css file:

      .ListaIdevice td{text-align:right}

      To make the boxes bigger, paste this code in that file:

      td select{width:100%}

      If you prefer, you can paste all the CSS code in Advanced mode – Properties – Package – Advanced – HEAD. Example:

      .ListaIdevice td{text-align:right}
      td select{width:100%}

      I hope it helps.

  • #33742


    Hi Ignacio! Thanks for your response. I tried to add the CSS code in Advanced mode, but it did not make any difference on the text alignment or the size of the CLOZE window within the table….  Just to clarify, in case I wasn’t clear: I was referring to the alignment of the text within the CLOZE windows. I’ll attached here a screenshot of the editor, where you can see that the content in question is already right-justified. It continues to appear left-justified in the GUI, within the windows. I cannot see where in the editor it would permit an alteration to the CLOSE windows.   

    • #33750

      Ignacio Gros

      Sorry… I used the class of another iDevice. Use “ClozeIdevice” instead of “ListaIdevice”:

      I hope it works now.

  • #33850


    I added the CSS code in Advanced mode > Properties > Package > Advanced > Head as you suggested. However, even after saving / closing / reopening, I was not able to note any change to the alignment or window sizing. Screenshots below.  Fortunately not a big deal, although I would appreciate easier access to making adjustments to these little formatting issues in a future version 🙂 Thanks again for your attention.  

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    • #33861

      Ignacio Gros

      Could you provide a link to the final content or to download it? Send it to the address that you’ll find in the page footer if you don’t want it to be here. Thanks.

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