Problems with Scorm in Moodle

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This topic contains 2 respuestas, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mamuflo2 Hace 3 años, 3 meses.

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  • #39468


    We created a large number of Scorm packages with eXelearning and we’ve used them successfully on our Moodle in the last 7-8 years. Unfortunately two days ago we started receiving an error message of connection denied from our Moodle platform. I tried to find the issue on Moodle forum and apparently the problem relates to the fact that now Moodle is https and the SCORM content is trying to connect to an “old” http site, so connection is refused. If this is the case we need to get our SCORM packages updated to https. Can you tell us if and how we can do this with your software? I look forward to your reply…we’re stuck…

  • #39471

    Ignacio Gros

    An HTTP URL in an iframe embedded in an HTTPS page is not permitted by modern browsers for security reasons.
    The easiest way to fix that is editing your SCORM package, changing all those HTTP contents to HTTPS if possible, providing a link instead of the iframe itself if not. Then publish the new SCORM package in Moodle.
    I hope it helps.

  • #39655


    Could you explain how you change those http links to https in the Sorm? Thank´s

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