Quiz SCORM –

This topic contains 3 respuestas, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cyrille Hace 8 años, 1 mes.

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  • #26837


    I’m a french teatcher
    I’m trying to use exelearning
    I’ve created my first project : a quiz SCORM
    You can find it here : https://www.cbiot.fr/vikings/
    Works fine, relatively easy to create various projects.

    My question
    I’d like add a field, like a field name in order to the student write his name in it.

    Secondly, I’d like add a button on the bottom of the page to
    – export the form with the answers to PDF file (to save the work a the students) and if possible add the success rate
    – or print the document with the answers with the success rate

    Sorry 4 my bad english
    End thx 4 all

  • #26898

    Ignacio Gros

    Bonjour Cyrille.

    You can add a field using the ‘Paste HTML fragment (embed code)’ of the editor. Just insert the right HTML: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_input.asp

    You can add a button using JavaScript. You’ll have to know the ID of your iDevice (export and see the page code to get it).

    I attach an example for this ID: id4. The code will create a button, and clicking on it you’ll print the content of that iDevice.

    Paste the code in the iDevice itself or in Properties – Footer.

    Yo might have to add some CSS to the STYLE tag of the SCRIPT to make things look prettier.

    I hope it works.


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  • #26930


    Hi and thx for your answer,
    I’ll test this tomorrow.

  • #26932


    Thx I’ve tested and it’s working.
    Just fine,
    Nice to you
    Have fun ++

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