Here are some ideas to reduce the spam.
1) do not allow the upload of user-picture for new user accounts. This is misused for spam-logos
2) introduce a cool down phase: New users cannot immediately start posting but only after x hours
3) Add to the captcha a question related to eXeLearning which the simple minded spammer does not know to answer:
3a Something related to the eXeLearning GUI for example. Pretty sure the spammers are not willing to learn this.
the following questions are encrypted with ROT13:
juvpu yvprafr zbqry qbrf rKrYrneavat unf?
jurer qvq rKrYrneavat bevtvangr?
jurer vf VAGRS ybpngrq?
jung qbrf BRE fgnaq sbe?
jub pna pbagevohgr gb gur fbhepr pbqr?
I am sure we can develop together a long list of questions to challenge them.
This reply was modified Hace 4 años, 5 meses by l3eXe.