
eXeLearning is a free software tool under GPL-2 that can be used to create educational interactive web contents. eXeLearning can generate interactive contents in XHTML or HTML5 format and it allows you to create easily navigable web pages including text, images, interactive activities, image galleries or multimedia clips. All the educational materials generated with eXeLearning can be exported in different digital formats, to be used independently or to integrate them into a LMS (Learning Management System) like Moodle.

eXeLearning 2, available for GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, allows you:

  • To create or develop accessible contents in XHTML or HTML5 format.
  • To generate complete websites (navigable web pages).
  • To include interactive contents (different types of questions and activities) in each page.
  • To export the contents in different formats such as:
    • ePub3 (an open standard for e-books),
    • IMS or SCORM (educational standards used to publish interactive contents in platforms or eLearning tools as Moodle or any other OER (Open Educational Resources) repositories)
    • XLIFF (standard for translation).
  • To classify, or to catalog, educational contents according to different metadata models: Dublin Core, LOM, LOM-ES.

When exported as Web Site, you can create web pages that can be viewed in different digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. And all this stuff, and much more, without knowing anything about programming!

The History of eXeLearning

eXeLearning was originally developed in New Zealand, in 2007, and was led by two universities University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology as well as by the Tairawhiti Polytechnic Institute. The project was originally supported by the New Zealand government, and it was later supported by many other institutions. The original project remained active until 2010. At that time eXeLearning had thousands of users and it was a very well known authoring tool in educational environments.

In 2009-2010, seeing that eXeLearning was not evolving at the pace that technologies did, the Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas del Ministerio de Educación del Gobierno de España (now INTEF) decided to restart and to evolve the project. The new eXeLearning, as it was named, would keep alive the original open source spirit of the project, adapting the application to new web developments and standards and introducing major improvements. A new eXeLearning website was developed, a site that allows the users to actively participate in the project: make contributions, suggestions, find answers to different questions, etc. Now the project is, again, alive and kicking, and it is supported by different government agencies and companies, both in Spain and in other countries all over the world. As it can be seen with the recent release, last September, of eXeLearning 2.0.

eXeLearning 2

In 2013 eXe evolved as a web development, web application or tool, (written in Python + Ext JS) that can be used with the default or preferred browser of the user, capable to work, or to be executed, in different browsers. Since then, the new eXeLearning has experienced major advances:

  • Improvements in accessibility and presentation of contents.
  • Replacement of the internal format used in eXe: the original version used a closed binary format and it has been changed to an open XML format.
  • New option to export in XLIFF format to facilitate the translation of contents.
  • Development of a command line version (exe_do) to facilitate the publishing and maintenance of contents through scripts.
  • The Ability to generate editable SCORM packages with the tool itself.

However, the innovations included in the new release are the main reasons that let the development team to move forward from version 1 to version 2.

The new eXeLearning is maintained by workers and volunteers who believe in this Open Source authoring application that assists teachers and academics in the publishing of educational web content.

  • Coordinator: Cristina Valdera
  • Previous coordinators:
    • Miguel Ángel Pereira
    • Antonio Monje
    • Ismail Alí Gago
  • Developers:
    • Ignacio Gros
    • Álvaro Pablos
    • Pablo Amaya
    • Manuel Narváez
    • Juan José Pérez
    • Manuel Mayo
    • Silvia Pineiro
    • Francisco Macías
  • Translators:
    • Coordinator + Spanish: Juan Rafael Fernández
    • Català: Carles Ferrando García
    • Euskara: José Miguel Andonegi
    • Galego: Pablo Nimo
    • Valencià: Ricardo Nutz
    • Français: Jesús Miguel Domínguez
    • Russian: (Alexey Loginov) Алексей Логинов
    • Polish: Alexey Loginov
    • Bhutanese: Tandin Penjor
    • Simplified Chinese: Chenggui Duan
    • Traditional Chinese: Franklin Weng
    • Italian: Andrea Primiani
    • Portuguese: Dionisio Martínez Soler
    • Dutch: Karel Werschkull
    • German: Heike Koch
  • Special thanks to all the collaborators and testers. Without them, eXe won’t be possible. Thank you very much!

See the New in eXeLearning section or the latest release changelog for more details.

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