New in eXeLearning 2.2
← Last version news
- Advanced/Simplified view.
- New navigation menu structure (simple and advanced).
- Easy to read help system.
- Content templates (and management system).
- JavaScript iDevices (easy system to create new iDevices).
- JavaScript iDevice example.
- New ‘PBL Tasks’ iDevice.
- New ‘Scrambled List’ iDevice.
- Pagination: Page counter and Styles revision to make them compatible.
- Save reminder message (until the autosave works).
- SCORM and IMS exports are editable by default.
- Ask for confirmation before deleting an iDevice.
- Information messages after saving or deleting an iDevice.
- Accessibility issues and feature requests made by the CENTAC.
- Custom HEAD content (Properties – Package – Advanced Options).
- Preview in any browser and consistent link behavior (in the same browser).
- New full translations: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Valencian, French, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese y Russian.
- JavaScript revision to prevent errors on some ePub readers like Readium (Content Security Policy).
- ‘Ustad Mobile’ export is now unavailable (hidden).
- New mode for TinyMCE: multiple-visible. More than one TinyMCE, but no Hide/Show editor links.
- ‘Modal Dialog Window’ Plugin for TinyMCE 4.
- Multimedia galleries: Allow local videos and audios in Lightbox (prettyPhoto).
- SimplePoint Style: Show/Hide parts of the page using the + and – keys (use the presentation-slide CSS class).
- Common color picker (moved to its own folder).
- TinyMCE: Load on demand revision.
- JavaScript and CSS bug fixes.
- Python bug fixes, includig the exe_do export.
- Default package metadata added when missing.
- JavaScript strings in a separate file (not inline).
- Error message when downloading classification sources.
- MacOS package generation instructions updated.
- Youtube and Vimeo: https instead of http in Lightbox.
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